Sunrise Senior Living

Sunrise Senior Living

By J&C Team

At Sunrise Senior Living, we are committed to providing the very highest standards of care to our residents. We also believe that great care starts with great people. So, we’re always keen to hear from people who share our commitment to quality and professionalism. To find out more about current vacancies in any of our 27 UK communities, visit our online recruitment pages at

From carers to supervisory and management roles. From care providers to support and administrative staff, Sunrise has a varied range of career options available. All supported by extensive learning and development programmes that help you to make the most of your career with us.

Each community operates as a home from home for our residents, with at least 5 activities a day, freshly cooked food prepared in our own kitchens and a homelike atmosphere with no uniforms or other ‘institutional’ features. Each community also operates a specialised, separate dementia care neighbourhood – called ‘Reminiscence’.

As well as a superb working environment – where the provision of quality care is the focus of everything we do – we offer competitive and attractive reward and remuneration packages. Visit to find out more or e-mail your cv to: